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今天就把健康平安财运带回家吧!Bring HEALTH,SAFENESS & WEALTH home today !

(a) Special Unique Woods 带运避邪木 :- 血龙木/帝王木 Raja Kayu/King of Wood ;黑金树心 TerasKelo, Penawar Hitam ;东革阿里 Tongkat Ali ; 沉香 AgarWood Gaharu ;
. ...... ........................................................ 无比加革 Ubi Jaga ; 甘文烟 Kemenyan ;安息香降真香 ;Kemuning Hitam ; 檀香产品 Sandalwood Products ;
................................................................. 虎乳芝/虎奶菇 Tiger Milk Mushroom ; 卡琪花蒂玛 Kacip Fatimah
..................................................................风水雕刻装饰品 Feng Shui Carvings and Decoration items.
..................................................................天然水晶石头 Natural Crystal Stones
(b) Swiftlet Farming Products 燕屋产品和器材 :- 燕窝 Bird Nest ; 毛燕 Raw Bird Nest ; 燕屋器材和配件 Swiftlet House Accessories.
(c) Wild Honey From Forest 天然野生蜂蜜 ; 金银蜂蜜
(d) 机械齿轮制作 Fabrication of All types of Gears
(e) USANA 优莎纳 - 市上最好的营养补助品 Nutritional Supplement
(f) pi Coin 派币 - 用手机不花一分一毫来挖未来价值满城的派币

Saturday, 28 September 2013


宇宙能量木 -->  黑金树王




黑金树心 TERASKELO 制成的辟邪物:关刀,拐杖,木棒,佛珠手链,佛珠颈链

Penawar Hitam /黑金

您可曾见过活生生的黑树?Penawar Hitam或黑金却是自然生长的黑木。如忍者般的内敛,


1. 挡黑巫术

2. 避邪消灾

3. 镇宅旺屋

4. 招财进宝
宇宙能量木 - 黑金树王
特制的黑金木垂饰, 拥有超级能量, 在佩带或不需接触的状况下, 皆能把能量传递给当事人。


1. 把能量传递给当事人。

2. 隔空透水, 黑金树王展现其穿透力,把能量导入水中再传递给当事人,

Asian Heritage - The Magical Woods
Penawar Hitam or Black Gold

Fancy seeing a BLACK Tree? Guess only at dark night when all things are black including the

owl and the tree. But Penawar Hitam or Black Gold is a genuine natural wood black in color.

Antidote to black energy or magic, Penawar Hitam is a natural fossilized black wood co-exists

inside the core of another tree. Unlike charcoal which is a burnt wood, Penawar Hitam is a
natural black wood possesses rich mystical properties. During the ghost festival month,
the Chinese will sweat all out to bid for a piece of Charcoal or Black Gold for protection and
good luck. But why charcoal when we can get a similar Black Gold alive from a rare sacred tree?
The native or Avatar does it differently. They don't bid but quietly foster a psychic communication
to locate the Penawar Hitam. Otherwise we can chop down the whole forest without even
finding one. Even we manage to get one by sheer luck, we may not be able to walk out the
jungle safely without the blessing. According to the natve, Penawar Hitam has the following
magical properties and applications:

Penawar Hitam is the black portion of the wood which sit in the core of another tree.
It is rare in the jungle and extremely hard to locate as it does not simply exist in any specific tree.
Only the native could find them.

1. Antidote and protection from black magic and evil intention of others
2. keep psychic attack and evil spirit away
3. possess positive energy to expel negative forces
4. attract wealth, prosperity and luck
5. bring success to new endeavors
6. enhance spiritual power and strength

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